Fighting Coal in LA with Humor

Sometimes, in the long and difficult fight against climate change, the fossil fuel industry, and dirty politics, we can all use a good laugh. Here in Los Angeles, we decided to poke some fun at LA’s dirty and dangerous secret: its continued reliance on coal power. This inspired the creation of a new comedic video for our local campaign to create a coal free LA by 2020.Here’s the problem: LA still gets more than a third of its power from two coal-fired power plants; one in Arizona, one in Utah. Although these coal plants are out of site and out of mind for Angelenos, the pollution wreaks havoc on local populations, local environments, and the planet at large.Here’s the good news: We can do something about it. The LA Department of Water and Power, and City Council are looking at where we will get our power over the next 20 years. They have an opportunity to phase out coal and signal LA’s leadership on environmental and public health issues. Not to mention – save Angelenos money, as coal becomes an increasingly expensive energy source in the coming years.Greenpeace is calling on City Council to make the right decision: to transition LA off coal by 2020 and build a clean energy future. It’s possible, and they know it. With our hard-working team of local activists, we’ve collected thousands of petitions and hundreds of business endorsements. Thousands of people have turned out to everything from public hearings to farmers markets to rallies. And now, we are adding a hilarious campaign video to the mix. With the help of dedicated volunteers and actor Michael Cornacchia, I directed this video with the goal of poking some fun at LA’s ties to the coal industry. Using humor and a simple message, the hope is to raise awareness and remind the LA City Council that Angelenos do in fact want to make the right choice and get this city off of dirty energy.How can you help if you live in LA and want to help clean up our city’s energy?VOLUNTEER WITH GREENPEACE: visit our website and fill out a simple form to get involved with our campaignhere in LA! SEND A MESSAGE TO YOUR UTILITY, THE LADWP, AND YOUR MEMBER OF CITY COUNCIL:Here’s a sample of what you can write-“My name is _______ and I live in [PART OF LOS ANGELES]. I am deeply concerned that Los Angeles gets overa third of our power from dirty and dangerous coal, and as a resident and a DWP customer, I expect our city tolead on protecting the environment and public health by ending our reliance on coal by 2020. Thank you.”We hope you enjoy the video! While it may not be the slightest bit serious, the message behind it is: It’s time for LA to quit coal.

Published by

Ray Barbier

I am just an average man who loves writing, thinking and trying to inspire kindness, love, understanding and Compassion in others and try to find them within myself.

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