New year, New Way?

p10174 With New Years upon us it is once again to make new years resolutions. We all could make those unrealistic promises to ourselves that we know deep in our hearts we will not even try to fulfill or even set goals that we will strive for that are impossible to reach. The sad part of resolutions such as those is that when we fail to complete or uphold them we have the sense of failure which isn’t a good thing to start the year off with. Best to either set simple and achievable goals for your new years resolutions or ones that will not bring certain failure. We all want to make a resolution that will either improve our selves or the lives of others so to start the year off with a positive note. Most change is enacted through a series of steps not one giant leap, so remember to make a resolution that can be planed out as a day by day plan. To arrive at any destination one must take the first step and be willing to follow through with every step afterwards till they reach the end. There is no shortcuts to self-improvement or change. The fist step forward usually consists of forgiving yourself of the mistakes of the past as well as the mistakes of others. If you can not leave the past in its own time then you will find it very hard to move forward if even exist in the present. Learn from your past mistakes and don’t live in their shadows for they will block the light that you deserve to live in. Start your new year off with a clean slate for both yourself and others, for each day we wake is another chance to do what is right and live in the light of our creator. For his son died on the cross and through his blood we are washed clean of our past sins so we can live free as well as seek to become more Christ like in our every day life. To feel remorse for your sins is what you do before you pray to be forgiven and not what you do after the sin is washed away. To carry the shame and pain of a past sin is to hold on to the sin itself, if you believe in the mercy of our lord then the sin is no longer yours to carry. So leave your sins of the past in the past and leave the path ahead in the hands of the lord. Forgive, be forgiven and move forward knowing that you do not walk alone in this world. One of the greatest new years resolution one can have is to surrender to the will of the Father and follow the teachings of his only begotten son. Learn to be tolerant of the beliefs of others for they have the right to choose the path they walk in life as well as the religion they practice. Just learn to love all of your brothers and sisters on this great planet earth we have been blessed to live on and cherish its beauty. No matter what resolution you make on this new year I pray that you find peace and prosperity in this new year of 2012. May our politicians wake up to see the mess that our house is in and let them find the wisdom to put aside their differences to do what is best for both our planet and our species.


May God bless Mankind and guide us in this new year.

Raymond Barbier

The spirit of giving and Acts of Love

Some children looking at a selection of Christ...
Image via Wikipedia

  Tis the season to be charitable, The spirit of giving has manifested itself in the form of layaway angels. Business owners, entrepreneurs and individuals have gone to Wal-Marts, k-marts and other store chains paying off the layaway balances for complete strangers. During this bad economy to see such generosity is a hopeful sign. Besides layaway Angels many churches have given away Holiday dinners and groceries to the unemployed to help those in need during this holiday season. This shows that the American spirit of giving and our sense of responsibility is still alive. Hopefully Both the layaway angels and the churches feeding the unemployed will inspire even more charitable acts and acts of love. I really would love to see this kind of compassion to continue throughout the year and not just during the holidays.

During this holiday season try to remember those less fortunate than yourself and try to put a little happiness in someone’s life.
Happy Holidays

Ray Barbier / Barbier Family Blog.