To forgive and forget instead of judging and condemning.

Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglica...

Sometimes we just forget that others have feelings, they have had good and bad experiences like ourselves. When we forget theses things we tend to be harsh judges of them and their character, we must remember no one is perfect  and every one suffers troubles in this world. Regardless if they are wealthy, poor, popular or the town outcast, they are all the same as you are. They are human, prone to mistakes and to making wrong choices.

So the next time you are condemning someone remember that person could have been you if you had made a few choices differently in your life. Sometimes one poor choice can cause you a lifetime of torment and  judgment by your peers. This is why forgiveness and compassion are important to our world and society, Jesus taught forgiveness and showed great compassion for those great and those that were seen as wretches and undesirables of his time. He was showing us the way we should live our lives, not in judgment of others but in love of others. To forgive and forget instead of judging and condemning.

The Sin is the Enemy of God not the Sinner. The sinner is a child of God like the rest of us, just lost and in need of fellowship, compassion and forgiveness. For we all are sinners and therefore have no right to judge.

John 8:7 –  So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.


Be at peace with the world and be of love within your soul

Gerard van Honthorst Adoration of the Shepherd...

Winter is just around the corner and the Christmas shopping season has just begun. Time to start shopping  for those gifts you will give to those you love. Remember it isn’t the price or size of the gift, it is more the love that is behind it. Christmas time is about Giving of love, for it is the celebrated day of the birth of Jesus our Savior and son of our god. God loved us so much he gave us his only begotten son as a messenger and as a sacrifice for our sins. So Christmas is not only the time to give and receive gifts it is also the time to give thanks and to appreciate the gifts God gave us, Our family and friends.

Be at peace with the world and be of love within your soul, Love one another for that is what Jesus taught. Forgiveness, Love and Understanding should be the theme of every Christmas we have.

God Bless and may you walk in faith.

Raymond Barbier