What is in the here and now and nothing more

God, the Father watches us all everywhere.

My past used to plague me, it used to be a weight and a burden to hold me back from moving forward. The past is to be learned by, not to be lived in and moving forward is the natural process of living life. The future used to make me feel uncertain and as if I have no control in this life of mine. The future is but something that we can not avoid, we can not avoid it nor can we truly ever change it. We only can live in the now and chose how to live in this particular moment. What we do now will affect what is the future and soon will be the present.

What is to come is going to come and what has already passed is no longer a part of what is now. We only have control of what is in the here and now and nothing more.By living in the here and now and taking charge of our lives in the present we can help map out part of our future and this is the only way we have any control over what may come. We still can not control unforeseen circumstances, but we can be prepared to take control and manage them as they appear in our life. We are not without control nor are we at the mercy of fate or destiny. For we make our own path in life and choose which one we shall follow.  Freewill is the ability to choose our own path in life and not be subject to the powers we see as fate and/or destiny unless we choose it to be so.

Freewill is a gift God has given humanity and was given with the hope we will choose to follow his will. The choice was given to each one of us and it is our decision if we are to give ourselves up to his will or not.

Ray Barbier

is a blessing

016 Each morning we awaken to is a blessing, Every person who love us and we love are blessings as well. Each meal we eat is a blessing, every breath we take is a blessing as well. Every smile we see is a blessing in deed and every smile we give is a blessing to both ourselves and those we smile at. Having a job is a blessing, even if the job isn’t ideal or stressful it is still a blessing not to be unemployed.  Every friend we have, had and will have are blessings for they are like family and sometimes even more. Even enemies can be blessings for they teach us how not to be and sometimes help us see the faults within our own character.

Each day we have here on earth is a blessing if we see it, know it, admit it,  realize it or not. So many things we take for granted that are great blessings and so many things we forget to give thanks for as well.

Ray Barbier