Focus on the future, be the example of what you want your children to become

HPIM0578.JPGIt seems hatred, anger and mistrust in our world is coming to an all time high. Riots that are born out of peaceful protest spring up more often than not. This world seems to be very short of such things as  forgiveness and understanding.  Anger has its place and time but is only meant to be a short-lived release of tension and feelings of injustice or inequity. Let the anger out and learn to be forgiving to others for no one person is perfect in action or thought. The understanding that we all feel such things as fear, oppression and injustice in our lives, no one is without negative thoughts or negative experiences. The only difference between people is the way they learn to overcome the obstacles in our life. Some chose a constructive way to enacting change and others chose a destructive way.

Both may get the job done, and some believe the destructive way gets results faster, this may be the case but you must realize that the changes brought about in such a way usually wind up temporary or not what changes that one would want.  A constructive approach to change may be slower but usually creates a more permanent change that is more acceptable to all parties. Compromise should never be left out of a solution, for a give and take attitude usually benefits both parties more so than a one-sided solution.

There is no reason that a species such as humanity couldn’t find a way to exist in peace. Regardless of our differences in beliefs and differences in our culture , we all are human beings and we all want to live happily and wish for a better world for our children.  The children are our priority as a species and should be the first priority. How we act, what we say and do is what they learn from. If we show them that we can not learn to live with others in peace and that war, anger and hatred is how to deal with the world around us, then they will follow the same footsteps as us and teach the same to their children as well.

It is time for all of us adults to think before we act or speak, we are not only affecting ourselves, we are setting the pattern of behavior for our children to follow. What we do here and now not only affects today but it will play a good part in how the future will play out for our children and those to come after them.


Focus on the future, be the example of what you want your children to become and remember this world is only on loan to our generation until the next generation comes of age.

Raymond Barbier

Without the initial spark we will never see a flame.

EarthOnce I had a person say they wished they could change the world, though that is an admirable goal it is one most would find impossible to carry out. Though it seems like something that is near impossible there is always a possibility one person can change the world or at least the way the world thinks. We have seen in history great statesman, politicians , religious leaders and visionaries make considerable changes in the world and in the minds of the people. One voice can make a difference, all change starts within  ourselves and then it radiates outward towards all around us. How we act, react and what we say has a large impact on our world even if it’s in a small way or localized area. If that one voice inspires others to join in then change begins to expand and can enact a change globally. In a nut shell it takes someone to start a movement for change in order for change to come about. Without the initial spark we will never see a flame. Become what you  believe we all should be like, live by example and then others will follow suit. To preach of a peaceful world or life but be in turmoil yourself is self-defeating. Lead and live by example and make change happen if not in the world at least in your part of it. Be an  agent of change and not  an inactive bystander in life.

This world needs more free thinkers, visionaries and promoters of peace and compassion.

Raymond Barbier

far easier to ignore and be blind

homeless-youthSo many  people in need in our world and so little reason they should be. There is plenty of food and clean water to go around if it isn’t wasted. I think we as a society have grown somewhat complacent and believe our governments are responsible for the well-being of those in need. The fact is each and every one of us are responsible for the wellbeing of ourselves and others. Very little would we have to sacrifice to make another persons life better. Sometimes its just a conversation, an opportunity to provide for themselves or just a simple meal for someone who is hungry. Though throwing money at a problem may treat the symptom but it does not cure the disease.

481243_518998361486259_1417117953_nPOOR-SLOB-Even though there are those that take advantage of the system per se, many are truly willing to work and be a productive part of society. Those whom take advantage of the system should be rooted out and those willing to better themselves should become the main focus. Far as those unable to work or take care of themselves , they are the responsibility of the community in whole.  Some of those in need could be trained and put in charge of taking care of those whom need assistance and others trained to be better suited for a new career as well.

olympics_vancouver_homeless-450x279There are so many of us whom can lend a helping hand to our brothers and sisters who don’t and others decide to turn a blind eye to the truth all around them. Its far easier to ignore and be blind to the suffering of others than face the truth of how many are in need right here in our own country as well in all the nations of the world.We all need to wake up and open our eyes to the needs of our  brothers and sisters. If we all just gave 5 minutes each a day to help others it would change a lot, imagine if we all gave an hour. Just remember it only takes one bad decision or major life event to turn your happy and secure life into a homeless and hungry one.

We all are brothers and sisters in this lifetime we live, we don’t always have to agree or even get along. We just need to have compassion, love and understanding towards each other and even ourselves.

Raymond  Barbier

Not I.

Compassion (fragment)

If a man chooses to believe differently than me then am I to hate him for his choice? If a person were to hate me for my beliefs should I hate him back? Why is is we can not see the commandment to love one another is one of the important ones. We are to love one another unconditionally and to accept one another as is. For no man or woman walks this earth without sin nor do 2 people think and believe exactly alike. We have no right to judge for that is not our place, we are to help one another and forgive. We are to be the lights of love God made us to be and leave vengeance and judgment in the hands of God.

So my brother believes not in the same religion as I, He still is my brother and I will love him as I am commanded. So my sister fall short of the glory of God, I do not judge nor accuse her for I too fall short and wish only mercy and forgiveness for us both. For every man, woman and child are part of my family, for we all come from the same source that gave us all life. Put aside your prejudices, anger and differences of belief so we can be the family God desires us to be.  In the end we all will be judged in the way we judged others so if we do pass judgment on others we should do so with great compassion and mercy along with a forgiving heart.

God gave us freewill to choose what path to follow and what faith to believe in, so whom among us has the right to deny that gift of choice God has given us all?  Not I.

It is the responsibility of every human being

DSC_0323bWhy is it to some of the wealthy, money is more important than the welfare of other human beings? Why is it there are some who have far more than they ever will need or want and they still want more, even if it is at the cost of others? Why is greed and the lust of power so strong yet compassion and charity seem to be so weak in those they can do the most to help? Seems the ever shrinking middle class and the lower-income people have more compassion and charity in them than any other income groups. Maybe because they know how close to being homeless and hungry they are and they can relate to the suffering and needs of others better than someone who has it all.

Seems the way the world works is the working class builds the economy and pays for it while the wealthy rake in all the profits and benefits. I don’t know if I can really blame them, living in such luxury and blind to most of what goes on outside their own world. We all seem to have that bubble universe mentality in a way, just now the bubbles of the middle class, working-class and impoverished are merging together as the wealthy class bubble rolls further away. To take care of those in need is not our government’s job though we tend to want them to take care of it, it is the responsibility of every human being be they are wealthy, middle-class or even poor. We all are charged with the duty of loving our brothers and sisters and taking care of each other.

We can not change the hearts of others without having a change of heart ourselves and being an example for those whom we desire to lead towards change. In the end though no one can make change within anyone except themselves. Change is a personal choice and isn’t something that can be forced if it is to be true and lasting change.

Ray Barbier

A Letter to my self : Self-Compassion

018 I am writing this to let you know how special you are, I know you have a lot of shortcomings and you’re struggling each day with things you don’t like about yourself along with a few bad habits. I know sometimes you feel sad and lonely and I want you to know that everyone goes through that from time to time. Stop trying so hard to be perfect, for no one is perfect. Just know no matter how bad it gets, how hard life tries to be on you and how bad you think you are everything is going to be ok. You may not be perfect, but you are a pretty good person. Try to forgive yourself for those things in the past you regret and then forget them for they belong to yesterday. Just remember this most of all, no matter how alone and unloved you feel there is always one person here on earth that will love you and be with you. I will always be there and will always love you. Even if I fail you know for certain Jesus and God will never fail you, they shall love you no matter what.

Sincerely you friend

Me, Myself and I

Raymond Barbier

All we can do is learn from our past and work in the present to make a better future.

MP900426559Seems the person we all judge the hardest is ourselves, We hold ourselves to a higher standard and expect to achieve it. We tend to forgive and overlook other people’s faults and mistakes much easier than our own. We can have compassion for every one around us but we seem to find it hard to have compassion upon ourselves. We need to learn we are also human just like everyone else and we can’t be perfect or without flaw. We must accept ourselves for who and what we are and forgive ourselves for our shortcomings. We always have room for improvement but we must realize we are beautiful and good as we are. We should build upon what we are and not try to destroy that which makes us unique.

We definitely need  to wake up to the reality that we are who we are and that it isn’t that bad being an imperfect human.  It is quite relieving to know we are like everyone else in the fact we are imperfect and make mistakes. We just need to learn from those mistakes and improve what we don’t like in ourselves as well as embrace the light that dwells within. God made all of us the way we needed to be in order to learn the lessons of life he set before us. We can not live in the past or the future because we live in the present and we shouldn’t dwell on what was or what might be. All we can do is learn from our past and work in the present to make a better future.
MP900399589We need to love ourselves and one another in the same way God and Jesus loves us.We need to accept the grace given and give as much grace as we can to ourselves and others. God gave us the spirit of love, and of a sound mind not of anger or fear and Jesus taught forgiveness and compassion.  For the spirit of love, forgiveness and compassion is not only meant for others but also for ourselves as well. For it is hard to love, forgive or have compassion on others if you can’t even have it for yourself. The sound mind comes with loving oneself and having the compassion to forgive yourself. With a sound mind you will find that there is very little others can say or think about you that will matter much. You will only be concerned with the truth and not of opinions and/or hear say.

 Listen to the heart God blessed you with and not the mind that the world helped program.


Raymond Barbier