Just a few thoughts on a Friday morning 11-9-2012

2007 Pacific typhoon season

Once again we have learned how unprepared most of us are for natural disaster with Super Storm Sandy. Most of us do not have enough provisions to make it through more than a few days to a week and very few of us have back up power such as a generator. Though for the most part we can survive without electricity but clean drinking water and ready to eat food that requires no heating or MRE’s like our military uses most of us do not have enough of or any at all. Though chances are low most of us will ever experience such tragic circumstances such as a natural disaster it is still a possibility so we should at least be somewhat prepared out of safety. A months supply of Water and Food should be at least the minimum we should have on hand and some basic first aid supplies would also be prudent. At the very least it would be a good idea to have a source of fresh and clean drinking water, the human body can survive without food for quite a long time but water it can not last beyond a few days to about a week.

Just a few thoughts on a Friday morning

Ray Barbier

To them I ask to remember the children.

p10061  Extreme weather from one season to the next, tornadoes and hurricanes hitting us left and right. Earthquakes all across the globe, and record heat waves across America are signs that something is up with our world. Call it global warming, climate change or just solar flares, but face the fact that there is something going on that defiantly needs our attention. Governments and scientists need to stop living in denial of the fact that our world’s ecosystem is going to change and possibly not for the good . Call me an alarmist or a paranoid middle-aged man if you wish, but I rather look at the evidence before me than to live in denial of possibilities that are before us all. As the old saying goes, better safe than sorry and I believe that more than ever a change in how we humans impact this world we live in should be changed.

Relying on carbon based fuels that are not plentiful enough to sustain the needs of a growing world population. Toxic gases and chemicals that are being pumped into the atmosphere are destroying the ozone layer as well as contaminating the soil and drinking water.What kind of world are we leaving for our children and the children of the future? The shortage of oil, drinking water and food are setting the stage for a possible world war three. As a species we have proven that we can achieve miraculous feats when we work together on a common goal. We are quickly approaching a crossroad where we will have to choose to either continue down the road of denial and blindness or a path of awakening and global co-operation. Will greed and lust of power be the way of man or will the path be one of goodwill and  global unity. The global unity I am referring to is not one world government, it is the achievement of a collective effort between all nations to better our world and the tolerance if not acceptance of each others differences.

I believe we require the different nations as well as the different religions or philosophies to keep mankind diverse as well as strong. Diversity is what allowed mankind to survive and thrive up to this point. Without our diversity we would have been a drone like society that probably would not have survived this long. The crossroads are growing closer and soon we must set our priorities and face the costs of our choices. The children of today are the ones that will be the ones to face the results of our choices both good and bad. So I leave it in the hands of those who can make the choices and to them I ask to remember the children when they do.

Just my 2 cents worth, Right or wrong it is here for you to see
Raymond Barbier