You can always correct your course

003So many times I allow my emotions to get the best of me and let them control my actions and thoughts. Emotions are very powerful but they do not have to have any affect on how we think and on our actions. The conscious mind is capable of putting emotion aside and letting logic and/or reason take over. Learning to turn off or putting aside ones own feelings for the common good isn’t an easy task but it is one that is possible and beneficial to both yourself and others. From my experience, when I allow emotions to be in charge I usually regret how I acted and become disappointed in myself for being someone I don’t enjoy being. When emotions are in control you are but reacting and have little choice. When you learn to control your emotions you become a person of action and reason. You have full control of how you interact and you become as a captain of a ship. Though storms may throw you off course you can always correct your course and sail to your chose destination.

 You can either be the product of the actions of others and your emotions or you can choose to be the product of your own choices and actions.

Ray Barbier

Thoughts on Fear

Scared child

Fear, the enemy of peace, love and a sound mind. Fear is the seed that can grow into a plethora of negative emotions and actions. Fear consumes us and fogs our minds so we can not apply logic to a situation. Though fear has its place but it is not an emotion that should last any length of time, it should only be present in times of true danger or threat. Constant fear created paranoia and leads to anger or erratic behavior. The question is how can one rid themselves of the unwanted and unnecessary fear in our life. Some of it can be dispose of simply by choosing not to allow it to control you or the situation you’re in. But there is some fear that is very hard to get rid of due to the fact it has been drilled into you and embraced for so long it has its roots into every part of your being. It still can be removed but it is a long and tedious task. Some fear can be overcame by facing it and / or coming to realize the fear is unwarranted.



Many fears we face are created by our imaginations, fear of the unknown or the uncontrollable. Others are caused by exaggerations of situations or from experiences that happened to us from years ago. A positive mindset is a good shield against fear as well as a tool to help overcome fear. Even though fear is a primal instinct it is still controllable and can for the most part be either suppressed or turned off in some cases. A well focused and tranquil mind usually keeps fear in check. Meditation, Yoga, physical and mental exercises are good ways to strengthen the mind and spirit against negative emotions.


Sometimes diet can play a part in combating negative emotions, the mind works best when fed the right nutrients.
Raymond Barbier

Enhanced by Zemanta

Groggy thoughts before coffee… lol


Sometimes I can stare at the screen for hours and my mind stays blank, sometimes thoughts come flowing out like a river. Sometimes there is no one who can stop my serenity and other times the littlest thing can cause me to explode. Some days I am fearful and other there is no fear within me. In the end regardless of what emotion goes rampant in my head the logical and reasonable mind kicks in and restores the peace. The battle between reason, logic and emotions is one that has raged on since my birth, The mind usually wins but sometimes emotions become too powerful to contain. Maintaining a balance of the mind and heart is essential to a healthy life, yet its one of the hardest things to do at times. Writing blog posts is one of the ways I try to keep balance and seems to be quite therapeutic in the end. It helps me express my opinions, emotions and the real me few ever get to know.

If my blogs ever get popular or not isn’t something I worry too much about since they are already successful in the fact they have helped me be who I really am. Hopefully it has at least sparked a few ideas in others if not gave them some entertainment. Random as my thoughts are and as unstructured my writing style is, the blogs continue to grow in traffic.


Raymond Barbier

Not even happiness can exist indefinitely

011Emotions, friend or foe to the modem man? Both, for without emotions we would be nothing but uninspired automatons. Each emotion serves a purpose and some emotions serve several functions. Fear is meant to protect our physical body by directing us away from things that endanger our well-being. Anger serves as a protector emotion by putting us in fight mode when there is either no escape or we feel secure enough to fight. Happiness is an emotion that inspires us to be creative and social so we can grow culturally as well as socially. Sadness keeps us rooted in reality, it reminds us that loss is a part of life as well as the constant reminder of our mortality. Even jealousy can serve a good purpose, for it shows that we cherish our mate when it is over a person and inspires us to work harder so we can better our life when it is jealousy over possessions. Each one of these emotions can either serve us in a positive or negative fashion and which way it does is based on our ability to control them.

Since emotions are a necessary part of our physical experience they should never be shut off or suppressed. The negative aspects of our emotions will exist and even though we can not turn them off we can learn to make them short-lived as well as temper their impact on both ourselves and others. They must be expressed and allowed to come to fruition but they can be channeled into a less destructive way of expression. Surprising them are an unhealthy way to control them and causes a lot of physical side effects that can create an unhealthy body. This is one of the most common ways people get high stress levels, and that in turn creates health problems such as high blood pressure and mental problems such as depression and even nervous breakdowns in the long run. One way to express the negative emotions with little impact on others is to write a journal or log and express them through writing. This gives them an outlet but restricts the negative effects. Express them and then let them go, for no emotion is meant to be permanent. Not even happiness can exist indefinitely, though it would be nice to be in permanent euphoria but it would be unproductive and probably would be troublesome down the line.

Seize the moment, Leave the past and hope for the future.
Raymond Barbier

We can not allow fear to be what leads us into the future.

003  Fear controls this world, fear of recession, fear of war, fear of famine, fear of Armageddon and fear of the unknown. Too much fear is pushed via the news and by even the politicians. We can not allow fear to be what leads us into the future or let it be what rules us in the present. For fear clouds our ability to make decisions and keeps us from fulfilling our potential both as individuals and a species. As a Politician once said there is nothing to fear but fear itself and I believe fear is a tool that many people in power use to try to control the populace. We must face the fear and put it in its place before it devours us and creates a world that is chaotic.

Fear has started many of wars, it has created mass hysteria such as the War of The Worlds episode done by Orson Wells. Fear is even a greater enemy to mankind than anger and or greed. Fear can destroy just one person as well as a whole society of it goes unchecked. The shame is most fear is created by either misinformation or the lack of understanding. Even though our modern society has become desensitized to many things both good and bad we still seem so ready to embrace fear. Though fear has its place it is seems to be running wildly through the world. Look how easy the stock market is effected by negative outlooks and reports.

This is not the time for fear but the time for hope and for coming up with solutions. We just need to learn to either control our fear or to put it behind us for the good of mankind. Fear is the enemy of progress and the stumbling block of humanity.


Well that’s my 2 cents worth.
Though I could be either wrong or right, I have no fear in expressing my thoughts.

Raymond Barbier

The right Balance and Mix

Is there a secret pill to make all your woes and worries disappear? No, though it would be nice if there was. Life is full of ups and downs along with a lot of just plain flat land. How you take it is what makes the difference between a happy life and one you either struggle to get through or just exist in. To take life and its challenges too serious is to make life too much of a chore. To take it too lightly is to let it get chaotic and out of control. It takes a balance between the two as much as it takes a healthier perspective. Your perception of the world you live in and your life is a big factor on if your can be happy or not. Too much cynicism and negativity will keep one trapped in a never ending battle. Too much of a carefree attitude is also bad because you will let too much go. Finding the right balance and mix is not easy and is different for each person.

Just be who you are and let no one change or criticize you or your personality. For that is what makes you who you are and without being your true self you will be unhappy and  be stuck in plain existence mode. Cherish the things you are blessed with both great and small.

May you find the balance you need and may you be happy.

Raymond Barbier