Focus on the future, be the example of what you want your children to become

HPIM0578.JPGIt seems hatred, anger and mistrust in our world is coming to an all time high. Riots that are born out of peaceful protest spring up more often than not. This world seems to be very short of such things as  forgiveness and understanding.  Anger has its place and time but is only meant to be a short-lived release of tension and feelings of injustice or inequity. Let the anger out and learn to be forgiving to others for no one person is perfect in action or thought. The understanding that we all feel such things as fear, oppression and injustice in our lives, no one is without negative thoughts or negative experiences. The only difference between people is the way they learn to overcome the obstacles in our life. Some chose a constructive way to enacting change and others chose a destructive way.

Both may get the job done, and some believe the destructive way gets results faster, this may be the case but you must realize that the changes brought about in such a way usually wind up temporary or not what changes that one would want.  A constructive approach to change may be slower but usually creates a more permanent change that is more acceptable to all parties. Compromise should never be left out of a solution, for a give and take attitude usually benefits both parties more so than a one-sided solution.

There is no reason that a species such as humanity couldn’t find a way to exist in peace. Regardless of our differences in beliefs and differences in our culture , we all are human beings and we all want to live happily and wish for a better world for our children.  The children are our priority as a species and should be the first priority. How we act, what we say and do is what they learn from. If we show them that we can not learn to live with others in peace and that war, anger and hatred is how to deal with the world around us, then they will follow the same footsteps as us and teach the same to their children as well.

It is time for all of us adults to think before we act or speak, we are not only affecting ourselves, we are setting the pattern of behavior for our children to follow. What we do here and now not only affects today but it will play a good part in how the future will play out for our children and those to come after them.


Focus on the future, be the example of what you want your children to become and remember this world is only on loan to our generation until the next generation comes of age.

Raymond Barbier

This world can keep us so sidetracked and confused

SN_arrowWho’s Interests are you serving? Who’s will are you following? Is it Gods or is it your own? If it is to Glorify yourself or to gain wealth and or worldly possession along with position or power then more than likely you are serving your own interests and will. This  is not to say that God would not want you to have a comfortable lifestyle or some kind of position etc., but the point is how you got there. Did you follow his will and get rewarded with these blessings or did you put God on the back burner and sought out these things because of greed and lust for power etc.

To surrender to God’s will  isn’t an easy task, most of us are so used to being our own boss per se and that makes it hard for us to let go of control. This world also breeds fear and also it is wrought with perils and strife which makes one so overwhelmed its hard to focus on what is really important at times.  This world can keep us so sidetracked and confused we have little time to dedicate to prayer or doing our Fathers will.

Riches and possessions of this world are perishable and temporary just like any position or power you can gain in this world. The riches of heaven are forever. We should walk the path of life with God as our guide and stop stumbling and wandering amongst the wolves . For he is the shepherd and we are his sheep, he will keep us safe from harm as long as we follow him.


Walk with peace and love within your hearts, Live with Christ within your every thought.

Raymond Barbier.

Not I.

Compassion (fragment)

If a man chooses to believe differently than me then am I to hate him for his choice? If a person were to hate me for my beliefs should I hate him back? Why is is we can not see the commandment to love one another is one of the important ones. We are to love one another unconditionally and to accept one another as is. For no man or woman walks this earth without sin nor do 2 people think and believe exactly alike. We have no right to judge for that is not our place, we are to help one another and forgive. We are to be the lights of love God made us to be and leave vengeance and judgment in the hands of God.

So my brother believes not in the same religion as I, He still is my brother and I will love him as I am commanded. So my sister fall short of the glory of God, I do not judge nor accuse her for I too fall short and wish only mercy and forgiveness for us both. For every man, woman and child are part of my family, for we all come from the same source that gave us all life. Put aside your prejudices, anger and differences of belief so we can be the family God desires us to be.  In the end we all will be judged in the way we judged others so if we do pass judgment on others we should do so with great compassion and mercy along with a forgiving heart.

God gave us freewill to choose what path to follow and what faith to believe in, so whom among us has the right to deny that gift of choice God has given us all?  Not I.

Thoughts on Love and Forgiveness

Rembrandt – “The Return of the Prodigal Son

Love, one of the greatest gifts and blessings God gave us. The love we have for family and friends and the love they have for us as well . The love for our fellow humans and the love we share with all those we interact with. So much we long for and desire, but Love is the grandest prize we can obtain and definitely the greatest gift we can give and/or share.

We were created in Love, we were saved by Gods love and we will in the end bask in his love. We should live this short life full of love and sharing it everywhere we travel. Forgiveness and Love are the two things we have the power to manifest and to spread wherever we go. We should love one another for it is commanded that we do so and it seems to be the most joyful thing we have to do in our lives. To forgive lifts the burden from both the one who forgives and the one that is forgiven.  Love  fills us with light and happiness.

Ray Barbier

To forgive and forget instead of judging and condemning.

Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglica...

Sometimes we just forget that others have feelings, they have had good and bad experiences like ourselves. When we forget theses things we tend to be harsh judges of them and their character, we must remember no one is perfect  and every one suffers troubles in this world. Regardless if they are wealthy, poor, popular or the town outcast, they are all the same as you are. They are human, prone to mistakes and to making wrong choices.

So the next time you are condemning someone remember that person could have been you if you had made a few choices differently in your life. Sometimes one poor choice can cause you a lifetime of torment and  judgment by your peers. This is why forgiveness and compassion are important to our world and society, Jesus taught forgiveness and showed great compassion for those great and those that were seen as wretches and undesirables of his time. He was showing us the way we should live our lives, not in judgment of others but in love of others. To forgive and forget instead of judging and condemning.

The Sin is the Enemy of God not the Sinner. The sinner is a child of God like the rest of us, just lost and in need of fellowship, compassion and forgiveness. For we all are sinners and therefore have no right to judge.

John 8:7 –  So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.


Random Saturday morning Thoughts -10/20/2012

IMG_1389 Why are you so angry? Did someone hurt you so bad you can not let go of the hurt? Have you found yourself in a place in your life you feel like there is no hope and your lashing out at everyone else because you feel helpless? Do you feel like life is unfair and there is nothing you can do to be happy?

Forgive others, forgive yourself and let go of the pain within you so you can find peace and happiness. The anger you hold within is hurting you far worse than it is anyone else. Face the mistakes you have made and overlook the mistakes of others because we all make mistakes in life. Give up on the hopelessness you unintentionally cling to and embrace the possibilities and hope of the future. The past is gone, today is the canvas of tomorrow and you are the artist with the brush. Don’t give others the power to hold you back or hold you down, don’t allow others to affect your emotional or mental state anymore. Be positive for your self and towards others, get up and live life and stop wallowing in the shadows of yesterday.

The only one who can get you out of this negative mental state you’re in is yourself, it may take some hard choices but in the end everything will work out if you put your heart and mind into it.


Random Saturday morning Thoughts 10/20/2012

A Letter to my self : Self-Compassion

018 I am writing this to let you know how special you are, I know you have a lot of shortcomings and you’re struggling each day with things you don’t like about yourself along with a few bad habits. I know sometimes you feel sad and lonely and I want you to know that everyone goes through that from time to time. Stop trying so hard to be perfect, for no one is perfect. Just know no matter how bad it gets, how hard life tries to be on you and how bad you think you are everything is going to be ok. You may not be perfect, but you are a pretty good person. Try to forgive yourself for those things in the past you regret and then forget them for they belong to yesterday. Just remember this most of all, no matter how alone and unloved you feel there is always one person here on earth that will love you and be with you. I will always be there and will always love you. Even if I fail you know for certain Jesus and God will never fail you, they shall love you no matter what.

Sincerely you friend

Me, Myself and I

Raymond Barbier

All we can do is learn from our past and work in the present to make a better future.

MP900426559Seems the person we all judge the hardest is ourselves, We hold ourselves to a higher standard and expect to achieve it. We tend to forgive and overlook other people’s faults and mistakes much easier than our own. We can have compassion for every one around us but we seem to find it hard to have compassion upon ourselves. We need to learn we are also human just like everyone else and we can’t be perfect or without flaw. We must accept ourselves for who and what we are and forgive ourselves for our shortcomings. We always have room for improvement but we must realize we are beautiful and good as we are. We should build upon what we are and not try to destroy that which makes us unique.

We definitely need  to wake up to the reality that we are who we are and that it isn’t that bad being an imperfect human.  It is quite relieving to know we are like everyone else in the fact we are imperfect and make mistakes. We just need to learn from those mistakes and improve what we don’t like in ourselves as well as embrace the light that dwells within. God made all of us the way we needed to be in order to learn the lessons of life he set before us. We can not live in the past or the future because we live in the present and we shouldn’t dwell on what was or what might be. All we can do is learn from our past and work in the present to make a better future.
MP900399589We need to love ourselves and one another in the same way God and Jesus loves us.We need to accept the grace given and give as much grace as we can to ourselves and others. God gave us the spirit of love, and of a sound mind not of anger or fear and Jesus taught forgiveness and compassion.  For the spirit of love, forgiveness and compassion is not only meant for others but also for ourselves as well. For it is hard to love, forgive or have compassion on others if you can’t even have it for yourself. The sound mind comes with loving oneself and having the compassion to forgive yourself. With a sound mind you will find that there is very little others can say or think about you that will matter much. You will only be concerned with the truth and not of opinions and/or hear say.

 Listen to the heart God blessed you with and not the mind that the world helped program.


Raymond Barbier

Learn to love and accept ourselves as we are

006 The many yeas or tears and fears take a toll on this aging body. The mind becomes hardened and slow to respond from age and its lack of use. The soul calls out for happiness, peace and solitude as the mind seeks a rational solution. Music becomes a refuge for the soul and the soother of the chaotic mind. Fear of death rears its head occasionally to remind me of my mortality. Yet I fight on and press forward into the uncertain future. Exploring outwardly as much as inwardly to find the truths as well as the balance in my life. Finding answers one day only to lose them the next. Seems it’s a vicious cycle of my spiritual path and my timeline.

Still fighting the little child within me that craves to be loved and accepted while I try to establish the blueprint of whom I desire to be. Time is no longer a friend like it used to be in my days of youth. Between the aging of the body and the knowledge of my own mortality I find myself struggling to make it through each day. The distractions of everyday life become stumbling blocks on my spiritual path. Too many light shows, bells and whistles going off to keep focus most of the time. Though I manage to block them out for the most part. The struggle to find a balance between my religion and my spirituality is not an easy task.

It is so hard to have compassion for everyone when you are surrounded by so many who care not for themselves nor for others. So much fear, anger, greed and such a lack of love in this world. Sometimes I believe people are just terrified by the thought of loving and accepting each other. I guess it must be the fear of being hurt and the experiences they had with those they loved before. If there are no risks involved then there is no real benefit in the action of loving. First off we must learn to accept and love who we are, for each one of us are unique and special beings. We must learn to love and accept ourselves as we are before we can love each other. Through self-examination and self forgiveness we learn to forgive the shortcomings and sins of others.

As my days grow shorter I realize that though we are all individual we are also a part of a complex whole. I see all of us as small pieces of a magnificent collective of thoughts, feelings and ideals. Independently operating, yet somehow collectively manifesting the reality we live in and forming the future yet to come. This gives each of us the ability to enact change on a mass scale by creating a chain reaction. The right words, thoughts or actions can create a chain reaction that could change the world and reality we currently live in. A single voice in the dark can grow to become many voices and eventually change the course of not only mankind but the reality in which we live.


Well enough of my babbling for now.
May wisdom be your light and Love be the fuel on your life journey
Raymond Barbier

Letting Go , Letting God and The Magnitude of God’s Love

Jesus is considered by scholars such as Weber ... I have noticed that letting go is one of the hardest actions to perform, be it letting go of your mistakes in the past or the mistakes of others. I find it so much easier to forgive others than to forgive myself for the mistakes and poor choices made in the past. Seems I am harder on my own self than on those I know and care for. Don’t get me wrong I can be a butt head sometimes to others but in general I have the live and let live attitude. Even when I am able to forgive myself for the wrongs I had committed it still takes a long time for me to forget and let it go.

Though I know my mother wasn’t the first to coin the phrase let go and let God but she is the first one that told me that. Letting God take it all is easy only if I can let it all go, I know in God’s hands I am safe but still I find letting it go hard. Slowly but surely I am learning to turn over my fears, desires, doubts and the mistakes of my past to the will and love of God. As I do the past becomes just that and it is no longer having the influence it used to over my present. The grace of God is what helps me let go of the things I can’t seem to let go of and his love and mercy helps me get through this harsh world we all live in.

We all sin, we all fall short of the glory of God, But through his son Jesus we are granted  a pardon for our sins and through such grace we are shown the magnitude of God’s love. Jesus tried to teach us to love one another, to share each others burdens and to avoid being judgmental. Compassion not only towards family and friends but even those we see as enemies. He tried to show us a more enlightened path as well as a more humane way of existence. He loved us and believed in our potential enough to die and save us from the sinful nature within us all. He set an example for us to follow both in his teachings and in how he lived his life.

May God bless you all and the Light of truth guide you on your life’s journey
Raymond Barbier