Whispers, Faith and Truth

002As I try to walk in faith from afar I hear whispers trying to convince me I can not do it. As I continue trying I hear more whispers saying not to give up and that all will be ok. Something inside of me keeps pushing and trying to keep me on track as the world keeps trying to bring me down and stop me from walking in faith. Faith can not be shaken nor can it be defeated, It can only be abandoned by the person whom has it. These words come to me when I feel like there is no hope and when I feel my faith has left me. They remind me that God is always with me and that if it feels like he isn’t here it because I chose to ignore or close him out. Even if that choice was made inadvertently or through doubt and fear I was the one to fail.

Even when we don’t see, feel or know he is with us he is still next to us waiting for us to reach out to him. He is always waiting and reaching out toward us wanting for us to come to him. He waits hoping we will come out of the darkness and the storm and into his loving embrace. Of course there are other forces out there trying to pull us away from God, some of it is our own flesh, our ego and our selfish desires. But there are those whom watch and those whom try to sway us away from God and his everlasting love. They try to mislead us, deceive us and some are even wolves in sheep’s clothing. This is why you must be very cautious of who you listen to or follow when it comes to your religious beliefs for it is your soul that is on the line. Read the scriptures for yourself, do not blindly trust in the interpretation of others and seek the truth from the source, God.

For those who are spiritual leaders be careful of the advice you give and keep for you are responsible for the outcome. If you mislead others you will have that sin on your soul, especially if you do not correct the misleading. Be very aware of what you teach and make sure it is not in contradiction to what is written.

May God guide us all, and may your hearts be full of peace and God’s love.

Ray Barbier

be their helpers in every way possible

MP900427738  Helping those who are in need and that are unable to help themselves is not only feeding, clothing, housing or caring for their physical needs it is also caring for their spiritual and emotional needs as well. We are supposed to be their helpers in every way possible. We are to be their best friend, mentor, brother / sister and so on. They are fellow human beings and fellow children of God so they are a part of our great extended family through God and Christ. It all boils down to having and giving the same kind of love God and Jesus has given us. We should take care of each other as if we were family, we shouldn’t see others as separate from our family in Christ. Christ taught compassion towards all people, regardless of race, sex and even religion. How are we to win the hearts of those who don’t know Christ if we shun them for believing differently. That just closes the doors to their hearts and minds to us and to Christ as well.

We are supposed to be good examples of both God and  Jesus’s  love and their mercy not Judgmental and hurtful.

Ray Barbier

is a blessing

016 Each morning we awaken to is a blessing, Every person who love us and we love are blessings as well. Each meal we eat is a blessing, every breath we take is a blessing as well. Every smile we see is a blessing in deed and every smile we give is a blessing to both ourselves and those we smile at. Having a job is a blessing, even if the job isn’t ideal or stressful it is still a blessing not to be unemployed.  Every friend we have, had and will have are blessings for they are like family and sometimes even more. Even enemies can be blessings for they teach us how not to be and sometimes help us see the faults within our own character.

Each day we have here on earth is a blessing if we see it, know it, admit it,  realize it or not. So many things we take for granted that are great blessings and so many things we forget to give thanks for as well.

Ray Barbier

we can not achieve perfection by any means

2Perfection, something many strive for but none truly ever reach. The illusion that we can achieve some form of perfection is nothing but a vicious trap. The more we work to be perfect the more we seem to find fault in ourselves. There is no man or woman who can achieve perfection and to try is to waste precious time and energy. We can achieve great and miraculous things but we will have many mistakes involved in the process. Mistakes and faults are what makes us who and what we are for through them we learn and grow spiritually. I believe many are perfectionists out of their fear of failure or some kind of desire to be accepted. Many overachievers and perfectionist are driven by the dreams and expectations of their parents, partners and peers. They haven’t realized that the only dreams and expectations they need to worry about is their own. God has given each of us talents and gifts and a purpose for them. We should be concerned about What god wants and set goals by what we know we can achieve. To set too low or too high of goals for our abilities is only setting us up for either failure or wasting of the talents and gifts God has given us.

Through God and Jesus we can achieve anything that is within the will of God. God knows we are not perfect and that we can not achieve perfection by any means on our own. So why should we expect perfection of ourselves or others if God doesn’t expect it of any of his children? God only expects us to do our best and to do it for his glory. So give up on perfection and embrace the idea of doing the best you can and for the Glory of God. In the end God and Jesus are the ones that matter the most in life.

 The hardest part of following God’s Will is the part where we have to surrender our will and give up our own selfish desires. Putting God before everyone and everything else.

Ray Barbier.

Thank you God for this morning

jesus22God has blessed me yet again with another day of life, a job and a few good friends. Thank you God for this morning which I have been blessed with and all the gifts that it contains and for those blessing that remain from the days before. Thank you for another chance to serve you and yet another chance to improve myself and help others. Thank you for the excellent writers you have sent my way to write on the blogs. Thank you for the readers and other blog writers who take time to read, comment and like our posts. Thank you most of all God for the son you gave and sacrificed to save me from my wretched ways and Thank you Jesus for being that sacrifice and being our savior.

Each morning is a blessing and another chance to serve God, Every evening is a blessing and another day of life we had to live for God and his glory.

Ray Barbier

All of the Bible and the Whole Message

65242I have noticed in my lifetime that there are several ways to preach or spread the gospel. One is the hell and damnation style, this is where your main focus is to scare the living daylights out of the listeners by focusing on the wages of sin. Then there is the Good news style where you preach mostly on the salvation through Christ and the grace he has given us all. There is also a newer one that is all prosperity, unfortunately I have noticed some of the prosperity preachers prospering way too much off their ministry. There is also the Faith focused style as well, Faith is an important part of being a Christian so it is another good choice. Personally I prefer the Good news style though they all serve their purposes, probably a mix of all the styles would be the best way to preach. If you stick to one extreme or another you may leave the congregation with only half of what they need to be a good Christian. There is probably many other styles of preaching / teaching the gospel I haven’t covered or seen as of yet. I just believe we should teach all of the bible and the whole message and not just parts. Well this is just my humble opinion take it for what it is…

 Through Christ we have salvation, through faith we have hope.

Ray Barbier

With God no challenge is impossible to meet.

03.365 (02.08.2009) FaithWhen you stand against your weakness and sin it seems victory may be an impossible goal. When you stand alone facing it all, you are fighting a lost battle. When you face it with God no challenge is impossible to meet. Through God’s strength there is nothing one can’t do if they have faith. Faith isn’t just going to church and praying, it is the full hearted belief in God and his promises. A half-hearted faith is not a true faith, though any amount of faith is better than none at all. Pray for the will of God to be done in your life and surrender to his will so you can do his bidding. Serve God, not your own ego and your own desires. Hard it is to put the self aside but it isn’t an impossible task.



We need to remember where our strength comes from and from whom are help comes from. We need to give thanks not only for the blessings we have but for those we are yet to receive.

Ray Barbier