Focus on the future, be the example of what you want your children to become

HPIM0578.JPGIt seems hatred, anger and mistrust in our world is coming to an all time high. Riots that are born out of peaceful protest spring up more often than not. This world seems to be very short of such things as  forgiveness and understanding.  Anger has its place and time but is only meant to be a short-lived release of tension and feelings of injustice or inequity. Let the anger out and learn to be forgiving to others for no one person is perfect in action or thought. The understanding that we all feel such things as fear, oppression and injustice in our lives, no one is without negative thoughts or negative experiences. The only difference between people is the way they learn to overcome the obstacles in our life. Some chose a constructive way to enacting change and others chose a destructive way.

Both may get the job done, and some believe the destructive way gets results faster, this may be the case but you must realize that the changes brought about in such a way usually wind up temporary or not what changes that one would want.  A constructive approach to change may be slower but usually creates a more permanent change that is more acceptable to all parties. Compromise should never be left out of a solution, for a give and take attitude usually benefits both parties more so than a one-sided solution.

There is no reason that a species such as humanity couldn’t find a way to exist in peace. Regardless of our differences in beliefs and differences in our culture , we all are human beings and we all want to live happily and wish for a better world for our children.  The children are our priority as a species and should be the first priority. How we act, what we say and do is what they learn from. If we show them that we can not learn to live with others in peace and that war, anger and hatred is how to deal with the world around us, then they will follow the same footsteps as us and teach the same to their children as well.

It is time for all of us adults to think before we act or speak, we are not only affecting ourselves, we are setting the pattern of behavior for our children to follow. What we do here and now not only affects today but it will play a good part in how the future will play out for our children and those to come after them.


Focus on the future, be the example of what you want your children to become and remember this world is only on loan to our generation until the next generation comes of age.

Raymond Barbier

Without the initial spark we will never see a flame.

EarthOnce I had a person say they wished they could change the world, though that is an admirable goal it is one most would find impossible to carry out. Though it seems like something that is near impossible there is always a possibility one person can change the world or at least the way the world thinks. We have seen in history great statesman, politicians , religious leaders and visionaries make considerable changes in the world and in the minds of the people. One voice can make a difference, all change starts within  ourselves and then it radiates outward towards all around us. How we act, react and what we say has a large impact on our world even if it’s in a small way or localized area. If that one voice inspires others to join in then change begins to expand and can enact a change globally. In a nut shell it takes someone to start a movement for change in order for change to come about. Without the initial spark we will never see a flame. Become what you  believe we all should be like, live by example and then others will follow suit. To preach of a peaceful world or life but be in turmoil yourself is self-defeating. Lead and live by example and make change happen if not in the world at least in your part of it. Be an  agent of change and not  an inactive bystander in life.

This world needs more free thinkers, visionaries and promoters of peace and compassion.

Raymond Barbier

A New day, another chance to live


A new day has dawned only to reveal another chance to live my life in peace and with love and happiness within my heart.  Another chance to live with understanding and compassion towards all living things. Though the pitfalls and shortcomings within my personality and nature will be here as usual to give challenge and be as obstacles to living this day in the way I wish.

Good intentions are many, but to actually put forth the effort to live in the fashion chose is no easy task.  With both the internal struggle and the opposing forces outside of myself to overcome it is never an easy task.  But alas, no man is perfect and I myself am aware of my many faults. I shall go forth and try to live as I desire, a peaceful and caring individual whom seek only to live in peace.

The first step of a journey is the hardest one to take and is also the most important. Without the first step there would be no journey at all.

Ray Barbier

live peacefully and in happiness.

DSC_0337`Spring is struggling to come as the winter weather takes its time leaving. The cycles of the seasons remind me of how life goes through many seasons of its own. Good times, bad times, times of war and times of peace. We could be such a great race of human beings if we were to get beyond the superficial differences between us and see the common threads we have such as our desire to survive, to live peacefully and in happiness. We all want a better world for our children and their children as well but seems we don’t want to make the sacrifices nor put out the effort to make the changes necessary to make this world a better place. With obstacles such as governments that refuse to listen to their citizens and prefer conflict over diplomacy. War has no real use other than to lower the population, destroy both man-made structures and much of natures beauty and to feed the egos of those in power. Not to say we shouldn’t defend our borders if attacked but we should always seek out a peaceful solution first. We probably would have fewer wars if the Governments would work together to share resources and equal out the differences of economy through the world. This is not suggesting one world government nor a single currency, just that we truly work together for the good of all humanity not that of our own nation or region.

Just some silly thoughts that crossed my mind.

Ray Barbier

Random Saturday morning Thoughts -10/20/2012

IMG_1389 Why are you so angry? Did someone hurt you so bad you can not let go of the hurt? Have you found yourself in a place in your life you feel like there is no hope and your lashing out at everyone else because you feel helpless? Do you feel like life is unfair and there is nothing you can do to be happy?

Forgive others, forgive yourself and let go of the pain within you so you can find peace and happiness. The anger you hold within is hurting you far worse than it is anyone else. Face the mistakes you have made and overlook the mistakes of others because we all make mistakes in life. Give up on the hopelessness you unintentionally cling to and embrace the possibilities and hope of the future. The past is gone, today is the canvas of tomorrow and you are the artist with the brush. Don’t give others the power to hold you back or hold you down, don’t allow others to affect your emotional or mental state anymore. Be positive for your self and towards others, get up and live life and stop wallowing in the shadows of yesterday.

The only one who can get you out of this negative mental state you’re in is yourself, it may take some hard choices but in the end everything will work out if you put your heart and mind into it.


Random Saturday morning Thoughts 10/20/2012

A kindhearted, compassionate and understanding person.

HPIM0327 So much hatred and mistrust in our world, So little time given to peace, love and the welfare of others. Politicians play mind games with the public and with themselves. Media spin put on everything for the sake of ratings. Money seems to be all that matters to most people and the self is elevated over God and his teachings by many. The people of the world are starving spiritually for gods love. Religious leaders rather preach against other denominations of their own faith or against other religions than teach peace and tolerance. The governments need to wake up, they need to take care of the needs of their citizens and stop their political battles. Religious leaders need to teach peace and tolerance and compassion for all of humanity. Big business needs to learn how to make their profits without hurting the average Joe who works for them and the consumer who are the source of their wealth. People need to Feed their Spiritual self and focus on God more than they do.

Only in a perfect world would all of things be true, but alas we live in an imperfect world. We still can strive for a better world and we can work on being better individuals. As long as humanity is weak against greed,lust of power and selfishness we will have problems within our world. We should do our best in our lifetime to be a kindhearted, compassionate and understanding person. We only live a short time on this planet so we should try to make it a peaceful and pleasant experience for everyone.


If love, peace and understanding were our guides through life then the world would be a better place to live.

Ray Barbier


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution By license.

Ramblings of a Middle Aged Average Joe

007-2 Social Unrest in the Middle East and North Africa, Earthquakes, Tsunamis and threat of an nuclear meltdown in Japan. Anchovies and sardines dying is the millions in a San Francisco harbor. The honey bee population dwindling and still no explanation as of why they are dying off. Something seems out of balance, change is coming to our world and it isn’t looking too good to me. Change is unavoidable and paying for our neglect / disrespect towards our home plant earth. Greed and lust for power outweighs the welfare of mother earth and those who live on it. The Select or Elite rule our world and care little about anything but their own gain while the masses stand by watching it all fall to pieces before them.

Violence is not the way for change though it is an unfortunate reality in our world. War and violence is a necessary evil at times to keep the balance in our world. Peace, love, understanding and cooperation are the best ways to enact change. Also Truth is a great igniter of change, for knowledge and truth are the building stones for a better world. The fact we all are responsible for this world we live in and we must find better ways to do so. Better ways to generate electricity and an alternative to Oil.

Oil, coal and natural gas will eventually become depleted and the pollution from their use will further damage our environment and also our economy. The world needs to wake up and see the wisdom in both renewable fuel sources and power sources like solar wind and hydro. Our children and grandchildren have to live in this world we leave them, so we should try to leave them with a Ecofriendly and wiser world. The fact that eventually oil sources will become scarce and depleted brings to light we need to have an alternative fuel source to avoid possible wars over the dwindling supply.

There is so much we need to change in the world and in the way we both view and live in it. It is going to take the effort of governments, businesses and the civilian  population to make the changes needed to get our world on the right track. There will have to be some sacrifices in the process but so many benefits will be found along the way. Nothing of great value is ever gained without hard work and sacrifice, Neither does any good deed done go without an award in the end. Even if our labor and sacrifices don’t bring forth fruit until several generations it will still be worth the effort.

The good thing about truth, love, peace, understanding and change is that they all can start in one person.  Just like one seed can grow a orchard if not a forest  , one persons voice can become a nations or even the worlds in time.

Well enough of my tree hugging ramblings for now.
Peace to all

Raymond Barbier

Just some babbling about the self and happiness

014 I often have wondered what is the secret to a happy life and for the most part the answers seemed to change with each situation I experienced during the course of my life. So needles to say the answers I thought were correct were just reflections or shadows of the true secret. The real question is if there is a secret to living a happy life or not. Obviously no one can be happy 100% of the time and I am not even sure that only one secret or answer could be found to the question.  The main thing I have learned is one must let go of the prioritization of the self and its desires. The self is the most time and resource consuming part of being a sentient being. Since the self must exist in order for one to be self aware / sentient then we must learn to restrain its ever present demanding voice.

The tendency for humans to be selfish and self centered is basically a natural part of our psyche and though it can not be totally avoided it can be muffled or muted. Therefore Discipline of the mind is also one of the secrets of a happy life, for without mental discipline the self would become center of all and selfishness would be the main controlling factor in our daily lives. To sustain the self and to take care of its needs is something we must do, but to fulfill its wants and desires is something we can all together control or avoid. The self  usually is like a little child who is spoiled and gets all he or she wants with no restriction. In a disciplined mind the self learns that not all it wants will be fulfilled and that there is higher priorities that must be focused on.

Having concern for the welfare of others seems to be somewhat instinctual to most humans though I have noticed a few people who seem to have no concern for others. This is probably because they allow the self to take high priority to the point of selfishness and become apathetic to the concerns of things that are not of any benefit to themselves. For most of us though the welfare of others usually plays at least a small part in our lives if not a major one. Being social creatures that seem to group up to survive and thrive makes the welfare of others a necessity in maintaining the group.

Maybe a lot of the problem in modern society is that not everyone has a social place, there is a lot of people who are just transient social outcasts. People that are either not accepted by the social circles of modern society or who never could find where they belong. Without purpose socially they seem to either become a social ostrich or turtle by hiding their head in the sand and or retracting into their protective shell. This makes them feel unwanted or unneeded so they float from one social circle to the other having no purpose or destination.

So I guess the secret to happiness is to find your place in society and be needed as well as being satisfied with what blessing you have. To care for others and put the self second to the more important things of life. Maybe there really isn’t no real secret or just one formula to happiness, maybe the secret is to find your own path to walk.

Well enough of my truly random thoughts and babbling


Raymond Barbier

One person could start a change in the world


Most people would like to change the world in one way or another. The only way to enact change on a large scale one must start with their own selves and start a chain reaction.To change the world we live in is really to change the opinions and beliefs of those who live in it. How can one person get everyone to change their opinions and beliefs? Well One person is all it takes to start a chain reaction of change, look at the 60’s in America how just a few spawned the hippie movement. Look how cults form under the ideas of one person and grow to become large communities such as Waco Texas and the Jim Jones  following. Though these may be negative examples of change , they prove that just one or a few can influence the many.

In a Technological information age as ours the power of one voice can influence a world of people in just seconds if not minutes. Television, Radio and internet are great tools to educate and get your message out to the public. Through these mediums you can either influence others for the good or the bad. Even with such great tools at ones fingertips you must be a leader and be one who leads by example to get others to acknowledge your ideas and philosophy. So start the change in yourself, show others the results and live by your philosophies / beliefs. As the old saying goes the proof is in the pudding, if you cant live by what you preach no one will believe or accept your ideals.

I mean would you follow a man who preaches love and peace while he murders people in the name of his philosophy or religion? Or would you stay at a church where its preacher who breaks every commandment while proclaiming he is either pure or innocent? I wouldn’t follow or believe in either of them, if you can not live by your beliefs and try to follow the rules of your philosophy then why should anyone else. This of course is not saying any preacher or leader will never fall or fail at times for we are all human and prone to make mistakes. With ones actions and freewill is a price we all must pay. The price is responsibility of our own actions and or choices we make. Even the words we speak are our responsibility, for if you mislead someone to their harm or to their disgrace you are responsible for that harm or disgrace.

So one person could start a change in the world and the world could change by the actions and words of one person. One person can change themselves and by doing so influence the change in others around them.

Enough of my Babble and Ramble Thoughts.

Peace and Wisdom be the Prize you seek
Raymond Barbier.