Free Radio Servers to use in Active Worlds

About time someone put a blog out there for you Active worlds Citizens about how to create your own free and legal radio station online. Radionomy offers a free radio account that is compatible with the media command in active worlds. Go to set up an account , set the radio up and then search for you station on Radionomy. When on your station page they will have a play in external player link, copy that link and use it with the media command.

a simple example of the Media command and using the Radionomy station within active worlds is below

activate media radius=200 vol=100

for a live demo you can visit kepler22b world and go inside The Machine club located by the roller coaster

Well Happy Building

Ray Barbier AKA Dovestar



Free Radio Servers to use in Active Worlds was originally published on Dovestar's Active Worlds Blog