Focus on the future, be the example of what you want your children to become

HPIM0578.JPGIt seems hatred, anger and mistrust in our world is coming to an all time high. Riots that are born out of peaceful protest spring up more often than not. This world seems to be very short of such things as  forgiveness and understanding.  Anger has its place and time but is only meant to be a short-lived release of tension and feelings of injustice or inequity. Let the anger out and learn to be forgiving to others for no one person is perfect in action or thought. The understanding that we all feel such things as fear, oppression and injustice in our lives, no one is without negative thoughts or negative experiences. The only difference between people is the way they learn to overcome the obstacles in our life. Some chose a constructive way to enacting change and others chose a destructive way.

Both may get the job done, and some believe the destructive way gets results faster, this may be the case but you must realize that the changes brought about in such a way usually wind up temporary or not what changes that one would want.  A constructive approach to change may be slower but usually creates a more permanent change that is more acceptable to all parties. Compromise should never be left out of a solution, for a give and take attitude usually benefits both parties more so than a one-sided solution.

There is no reason that a species such as humanity couldn’t find a way to exist in peace. Regardless of our differences in beliefs and differences in our culture , we all are human beings and we all want to live happily and wish for a better world for our children.  The children are our priority as a species and should be the first priority. How we act, what we say and do is what they learn from. If we show them that we can not learn to live with others in peace and that war, anger and hatred is how to deal with the world around us, then they will follow the same footsteps as us and teach the same to their children as well.

It is time for all of us adults to think before we act or speak, we are not only affecting ourselves, we are setting the pattern of behavior for our children to follow. What we do here and now not only affects today but it will play a good part in how the future will play out for our children and those to come after them.


Focus on the future, be the example of what you want your children to become and remember this world is only on loan to our generation until the next generation comes of age.

Raymond Barbier

far easier to ignore and be blind

homeless-youthSo many  people in need in our world and so little reason they should be. There is plenty of food and clean water to go around if it isn’t wasted. I think we as a society have grown somewhat complacent and believe our governments are responsible for the well-being of those in need. The fact is each and every one of us are responsible for the wellbeing of ourselves and others. Very little would we have to sacrifice to make another persons life better. Sometimes its just a conversation, an opportunity to provide for themselves or just a simple meal for someone who is hungry. Though throwing money at a problem may treat the symptom but it does not cure the disease.

481243_518998361486259_1417117953_nPOOR-SLOB-Even though there are those that take advantage of the system per se, many are truly willing to work and be a productive part of society. Those whom take advantage of the system should be rooted out and those willing to better themselves should become the main focus. Far as those unable to work or take care of themselves , they are the responsibility of the community in whole.  Some of those in need could be trained and put in charge of taking care of those whom need assistance and others trained to be better suited for a new career as well.

olympics_vancouver_homeless-450x279There are so many of us whom can lend a helping hand to our brothers and sisters who don’t and others decide to turn a blind eye to the truth all around them. Its far easier to ignore and be blind to the suffering of others than face the truth of how many are in need right here in our own country as well in all the nations of the world.We all need to wake up and open our eyes to the needs of our  brothers and sisters. If we all just gave 5 minutes each a day to help others it would change a lot, imagine if we all gave an hour. Just remember it only takes one bad decision or major life event to turn your happy and secure life into a homeless and hungry one.

We all are brothers and sisters in this lifetime we live, we don’t always have to agree or even get along. We just need to have compassion, love and understanding towards each other and even ourselves.

Raymond  Barbier

This world can keep us so sidetracked and confused

SN_arrowWho’s Interests are you serving? Who’s will are you following? Is it Gods or is it your own? If it is to Glorify yourself or to gain wealth and or worldly possession along with position or power then more than likely you are serving your own interests and will. This  is not to say that God would not want you to have a comfortable lifestyle or some kind of position etc., but the point is how you got there. Did you follow his will and get rewarded with these blessings or did you put God on the back burner and sought out these things because of greed and lust for power etc.

To surrender to God’s will  isn’t an easy task, most of us are so used to being our own boss per se and that makes it hard for us to let go of control. This world also breeds fear and also it is wrought with perils and strife which makes one so overwhelmed its hard to focus on what is really important at times.  This world can keep us so sidetracked and confused we have little time to dedicate to prayer or doing our Fathers will.

Riches and possessions of this world are perishable and temporary just like any position or power you can gain in this world. The riches of heaven are forever. We should walk the path of life with God as our guide and stop stumbling and wandering amongst the wolves . For he is the shepherd and we are his sheep, he will keep us safe from harm as long as we follow him.


Walk with peace and love within your hearts, Live with Christ within your every thought.

Raymond Barbier.

A New day, another chance to live


A new day has dawned only to reveal another chance to live my life in peace and with love and happiness within my heart.  Another chance to live with understanding and compassion towards all living things. Though the pitfalls and shortcomings within my personality and nature will be here as usual to give challenge and be as obstacles to living this day in the way I wish.

Good intentions are many, but to actually put forth the effort to live in the fashion chose is no easy task.  With both the internal struggle and the opposing forces outside of myself to overcome it is never an easy task.  But alas, no man is perfect and I myself am aware of my many faults. I shall go forth and try to live as I desire, a peaceful and caring individual whom seek only to live in peace.

The first step of a journey is the hardest one to take and is also the most important. Without the first step there would be no journey at all.

Ray Barbier

It surely feels better to be loved for the person you really are

002We get so caught up the opinions of others and the being accepted by them we lose who we are meant to be. We try to be what others want us to be or what we think is the ideal person in their eyes. If we are loved for being who we are not, then that love and the acceptance gained by it is but an illusion and will be short-lived. We must be ourselves and be loved and accepted for ourselves. If they don’t accept or love you move on and others will. We can not be liked, loved and accepted by everyone. There always be those whom dislike us, loath us and see us as a threat somehow. There is nothing we can do about that fact and its something we must learn to accept.

God made us all unique and special, we should love ourselves for who and what we are. For god loves us for who we are with all our shortcomings and faults so we should do the same. We will be accepted and loved by those we need to be with and around, those that don’t are not meant to be a part of our lives in that way at the present point in time. You will be surprised how many will love you for who you truly are. It surely feels better to be loved for the person you really are than for the person you pretend to be.

Be yourself and be true to yourself and live your life being free.

Ray Barbier

True wealth is both the love you share and the love you receive.

003When a person puts wealth, power a career or social status above their family and friends they diminish their potential as human being. To put your wants and greed above those you care about is but a quick way to find yourself alone and wanting.What is all the riches of this world and what is the power you want if you have no one around you to whom you can help or share it all with. I am not against prosperity or wealth per se, I am just against putting money and power above your family, friends and the rest of humanity.

Money and power for all its glory in the end will fail or leave you, Family and true friends will stick with you through every trial of life. Why dedicate yourself and your love to something inanimate and undeserving as money or power which is but an illusionary state of mind more so than a reality. True power is found in the ability to have and share love, compassion and understanding. True wealth is both the love you share and the love you receive.

There is nothing more important than the family and friends we are blessed with within this short life.

Ray Barbier

Just some random thought on 2/25/2013

018 You are what you think you are, you choose what you are by the thoughts you hold on to in life. Even though the opinions, actions and words of others can have some effect on your self-worth, in the end it is your choice to give any external source the power to do so. You are the only one who can make yourself or break yourself in the end. Once you learn that you are in control of how you interact with others and how you view yourself and the world around you, you start taking control away from the external forces and utilizing your own power to make change within your self.

Even though you are an individual and are in control of your own life, you must be aware that you are also a part of the family of man and even the family of all living creatures on earth. How you act, what you say, do and don’t do or say can effect other living things around you. Be individually creative but be aware of your connection with the rest of the world for no person is an island unto themselves.

Just some random thought on 2/25/2013

Ray Barbier

Be careful of the advice you give

002When you influence other people in a negative way you are partly responsible for any consequences your influence brought to said person. both you and the other person are responsible for any negative outcome, so be careful of the advice you give and be aware of the consequences of your actions.

So I say if you are to influence others do so in a good and positive way. Be an example for others to follow for how you act and react to the world is observed by those around you. So be always thoughtful about your words and actions.

I am who I am because of the choices I had made throughout my life. Each yes, no and maybe that I had said set in motion my destiny and helped form me into the person I am today. I am totally responsible for what I am today and I accept that fact. Knowing that I am the captain of my destiny empowers me to change course and find a new destiny and change who I am to be.

Ray Barbier

My own self

p10104 There has been times in my life I allowed my low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence to stop me from getting a good job or just getting a job done. The only thing that stood in my way of getting the job or doing the job was my own self. Like others I allowed my fears, insecurities and self-doubt to limit me and keep me from the possibilities that were before me. It is so easy to excuse your way through life, never to face change and never to leave your comfort zone. The cost of living in such a way in the end is quite high, you miss so much of life and you never get to experience life as the person you were born to be.

I have learned you can blame others for the bad things in your life all you want, but the truth is that you alone make the choices that creates what your life is like, going to change into and ultimately will become. It is your choice if you allow others to influence and/or control aspects of your life. Others only have the power that you allow them to have over you and your life.

tpl0008So it all boils down to what choices you make and what external influences you allow to play a part in your life. The choice is always yours, even when you choose to allow others to make a choice for you.

Your life is the sum of the experiences you have had and the choices you have both made and avoided.

Ray Barbier

Cherish the blessing of having good friends

dd43853 Friendship, Something most of us take for granted and few understand its power. God gave us the ability to love one another not only as family or spouses but also as neighbors and friends. The strength we gain in friendship is a gift from God. Friendship and Fellowship is close cousins if not siblings for to have true fellowship we must have friendships within it.  God knowing we alone are weak, gave us all the different types of relationships so we can help one another through life.

RBM001122 Friends are there for one another through thick and thin, they support one another and are not afraid to tell each other the truth, Nor are they angry at each other for doing so. True friends are inseparable and are compassionate, forgiving and understanding with each other. Friends are the support network outside of the family and the church. Some friends are considered as family and are also a part of the fellowship within the church as well.

Cherish the blessing of having good friends for it is hard to make it through life without them.

Ray Barbier