To Govern or to play Political Games?

IMG_1077 Too much politics and not enough creative thinking in congress, they rather focus on the differences between their political parties and the upcoming elections than on finding solutions to the problems at hand. The lack of the ability to compromise for the common good in congress wastes both the taxpayers money and time. The longer they play these political games the worse our nations problems will grow.  The congress seems too focused on the upcoming elections and their parties agendas that they can not find any true solutions to our national debt or the declining economy. Maybe if they would put as much effort into fixing the problems at hand as they do the propaganda and political spin they spew out to the media they might be able to work together to find a solution.

The immaturity the congress is displaying along with their inability to co-operate will not only allow our nation to slip into ruin but it also will tarnish this great nations global reputation. We are supposed to be a guiding light and the shining example for the world to follow, but how our government is in chaos due to the political games being played we will not be able to be such a guiding light. For a house that is divided upon itself surely will fall, so we need to get our house in order before it falls.

So congress, you can either keep playing your political games and bring this nation to its knees or work together and fix the problems at hand. The choice is solely yours to either govern or to play political games. Either way you will be responsible for the choices made as well as the results. For We the People have given you the power through the elections and now we place the responsibility upon your shoulders.

God Grant them the wisdom to see the error of their ways.
Raymond Barbier

Congress Needs to Get a Grip

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Once again the congress is in the process of taking away more benefits from our seniors. They always seem to aim at the seniors when it comes to budget cuts. Medicaid and Medicare are an important part o a seniors ability to financially survive. The fat health insurance is still unaffordable for the average Joe and the retired middle class it makes no sense to cut the Medicaid and Medicare programs. There are so many programs the congress can cut besides the programs that we have paid for through the F.I.C.A / Social Security taxes. To be honest I would rather pay a little bit more out of my paycheck to keep Medicare, Medicaid and social security off the cutting block in congress.

We may have to impose a national sales tax that only applies to luxury items similar to the V.A.T. of Europe to help deal with the national debt. The congress really needs to put aside their political parties agendas and get down to business. A big part of our economical problem is that the United States has became too much of a consumer economy. We consume far ore than we produce, most of the product bought in the U.S. is from foreign countries. We need to make it more profitable for companies to produce in the U.S. and American products more affordable to consumers.

The bottom line is that the congress is going to have to come up with a balanced solution to our national debt and economical situation. they will have to find a good balance of budget cuts and tax increases to accomplish the task at hand. But as long as they stick to political party agendas and are unwilling to compromise the chances of a true economical recovery is very unlikely.

God Bless and may truth light your path.

Raymond Barbier.

Congress and Change

Will the congress keep being partisan and make a congress that is in permanent gridlock or will they man-up and work together for the good of our country? Will party and personal agendas stand in the way of the changes in policy that is needed to further and maintain this country’s well being? Will big business and lobbyists control the direction our country is heading in or will the congress finally listen to we the people? Only time will tell, but if they keep with status Quo then they will ignore the pleas of the citizens and bow to big business or lobbyist like always. They will be more interested in the agendas and the status of their own party than the well being of our country.

For change to happen it takes the development of the minds and hearts of those in power. They need to wake up to see that the true agenda of a government should be the wellbeing of both the citizens and of the country itself. Businesses will be born and shall go bankrupt that is a part of the free enterprise system. Not to say I am totally against bailouts, but how many mom and pop small business failed since the beginning of this recession and how many could have thrived if they too were considered for bailouts. Mom and pop businesses are the true backbone of America, unfortunately the government does not recognize them as small businesses because they do not make enough money to qualify.

Congress needs to grow up and stop bickering amongst each other and see they are all one family in the scheme of things. They all represent us and should stop making decisions based on party bias and more on if it would help both the citizens and the country grow. They may be Republicans and Democrats, But they are servants to the public and government first and foremost.

The Constitution of The United States

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a
more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility,
provide for the common defense, promote the general
Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and
our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the
United States of America.”