True wealth is both the love you share and the love you receive.

003When a person puts wealth, power a career or social status above their family and friends they diminish their potential as human being. To put your wants and greed above those you care about is but a quick way to find yourself alone and wanting.What is all the riches of this world and what is the power you want if you have no one around you to whom you can help or share it all with. I am not against prosperity or wealth per se, I am just against putting money and power above your family, friends and the rest of humanity.

Money and power for all its glory in the end will fail or leave you, Family and true friends will stick with you through every trial of life. Why dedicate yourself and your love to something inanimate and undeserving as money or power which is but an illusionary state of mind more so than a reality. True power is found in the ability to have and share love, compassion and understanding. True wealth is both the love you share and the love you receive.

There is nothing more important than the family and friends we are blessed with within this short life.

Ray Barbier