True wealth is both the love you share and the love you receive.

003When a person puts wealth, power a career or social status above their family and friends they diminish their potential as human being. To put your wants and greed above those you care about is but a quick way to find yourself alone and wanting.What is all the riches of this world and what is the power you want if you have no one around you to whom you can help or share it all with. I am not against prosperity or wealth per se, I am just against putting money and power above your family, friends and the rest of humanity.

Money and power for all its glory in the end will fail or leave you, Family and true friends will stick with you through every trial of life. Why dedicate yourself and your love to something inanimate and undeserving as money or power which is but an illusionary state of mind more so than a reality. True power is found in the ability to have and share love, compassion and understanding. True wealth is both the love you share and the love you receive.

There is nothing more important than the family and friends we are blessed with within this short life.

Ray Barbier

It is the responsibility of every human being

DSC_0323bWhy is it to some of the wealthy, money is more important than the welfare of other human beings? Why is it there are some who have far more than they ever will need or want and they still want more, even if it is at the cost of others? Why is greed and the lust of power so strong yet compassion and charity seem to be so weak in those they can do the most to help? Seems the ever shrinking middle class and the lower-income people have more compassion and charity in them than any other income groups. Maybe because they know how close to being homeless and hungry they are and they can relate to the suffering and needs of others better than someone who has it all.

Seems the way the world works is the working class builds the economy and pays for it while the wealthy rake in all the profits and benefits. I don’t know if I can really blame them, living in such luxury and blind to most of what goes on outside their own world. We all seem to have that bubble universe mentality in a way, just now the bubbles of the middle class, working-class and impoverished are merging together as the wealthy class bubble rolls further away. To take care of those in need is not our government’s job though we tend to want them to take care of it, it is the responsibility of every human being be they are wealthy, middle-class or even poor. We all are charged with the duty of loving our brothers and sisters and taking care of each other.

We can not change the hearts of others without having a change of heart ourselves and being an example for those whom we desire to lead towards change. In the end though no one can make change within anyone except themselves. Change is a personal choice and isn’t something that can be forced if it is to be true and lasting change.

Ray Barbier

Some really Random thoughts :-)

003Live life with joy, worry not about things you can not change. Live not in the past for it only makes you miss things in the present. Life not in the future for it makes you lose sight of what matters now. Worry not about trying to change the one you love for the only one you can change is yourself. Love the one your with unconditionally and try to be the person you wish they would be. For we lead by example and tend to receive the same as we give in a relationship. Learn to forgive the one you love and your own self for we are all human and therefore we all make mistakes and poor decisions at times. Stop looking at the grass on the other side of the fence, usually it is full of crab grass. Mind you own lawn and tend it well, then you will have the greenest grass. Love relationships – Some assembly required and a lot of work is necessary. Celebrate life each day and stop worrying about death for life is what matters. Forgive and forget for the only one who is hurt by carry a grudge is the one who bears its weight. Judge not others and if you must then do it with great compassion for how you judge others is how you will be judged as well. Stop worrying over getting the newest and the fastest and learn to appreciate that you already have. Think twice before speaking and three times before acting upon your thoughts, for there is reward in being thoughtful and cautious. Do not think yourself as better or lesser than another human being for we all are born in the same way, we all strive to be happy and have potential to be more than we can imagine. Do not fall to greed for material wealth may make life seem easier but all your possessions and money are nothing compared to friendship, fellowship, family and love. A poor person can love, be loved, be happy and make a difference in this world just as well as someone who is rich.

What makes a good person good is not possessions, wealth or popularity, it is what is in their heart and how they treat others.

Ray Barbier